@inproceedings{domke_first_2019, address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA}, series = {{HOTI}26}, title = {The {First} {Supercomputer} with {HyperX} {Topology}: {A} {Viable} {Alternative} to {Fat}-{Trees}?}, publisher = {IEEE Press}, author = {Domke, Jens and Matsuoka, Satoshi and Ivanov, Ivan R. and Tsushima, Yuki and Yuki, Tomoya and Nomura, Akihiro and Miura, Shin'ichi and McDonald, Nic and Floyd, Dennis L. and Dub{\'e}, Nicolas}, month = aug, year = {2019}, note = {Note: peer-reviewed short paper}, keywords = {network topology, routing, InfiniBand, HyperX, Fat-Tree, PARX}, pages = {4} }